
Format of the contributions (oral and posters)

Oral contributions:

As a reminder, it is possible to present your work in French or English but the materials must be exclusively in English. A laptop (PC running Windows 11) will be available to speakers throughout the week and unless otherwise required, we ask you to transfer your presentation by USB key to our PC (Powerpoint or PDF format) before the start of each session.


A grid and clamps will be made available to you to install your poster. The standard format is A0 size in portrait mode only. The content must be in English. A number and a session (either Tuesday evening or Wednesday evening) is assigned to each poster (see planning and book of abstracts).

Best poster prize (one per session): a best poster prize will be awarded at the end of the week for each poster session (sponsored by SCM). 

Important: posters from the first session can be installed from Monday June 24 and must be removed by Wednesday June 26 at the latest during the morning coffee break. Posters from the second session can be installed during the lunch break on Wednesday June 26 and can be removed on the last day of the conference (Friday).

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