
Welcome to the TheMoSiA-RCTF2024 conference

The TheMoSiA-RCTF conference is the biennal reference event of the TheMoSiA GDR2161  (Theories, Modeling, Simulations in Atomistics). The research areas represented cover a wide range of themes, ranging from cutting-edge methodological developments to applications pushing the limits of the most modern methods of theoretical and computational chemistry.


The XVIIIth TheMoSiA-RCTF conference is organized from June 24 to 28, 2024 by researchers from the University of Rouen and INSA Rouen (COBRA laboratory on the Mont-Saint-Aignan site and LITIS laboratory on the site of Madrillet in Saint-Etienne du Rouvray). For practical reasons, this edition will take place in the city center of Rouen, on the site of the Faculty of Law, Economic Sciences and Management, located a stone's throw from the historic center of Rouen.

We are expecting many of you at the end of June in Normandy!



Last news

New: book of abstracts (PDF file)

New: information about oral contributions and posters.

Registrations are closed.

See you soon in Rouen !



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