
18 - Evaluation of non-covalent interactions with double-hybrid functionals
Davide Massafra  1@  , Michele Turelli  2@  , Vincent Tognetti  3@  , Joubert Laurent  3@  , Carlo Adamo  4@  
1 : Institute of Chemistry for Life and Health Sciences
Institute of Chemistry for Life and Health Sciences (I-CLeHS), CNRS, SEISAD, Chimie Paristech, Université PSL
2 : Institute of Chemistry for Life and Health Sciences
Institute of Chemistry for Life and Health Sciences (I-CLeHS), CNRS, Chimie Paristech, Université PSL
3 : Chimie Organique et Bioorganique : Réactivité et Analyse
Normandie Univ, UNIROUEN, COBRA, UMR 6014 -0
4 : Institute of Chemistry for Life and Health Sciences
Institute of Chemistry for Life and Health Sciences - i-CLeHS

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